
333 2023-09-17 15:17


mister, will you give me those bricks to build a house with?”The man gave him the bricks, and Brownie built himself a very snug little house with them.He had just fini三只小猪April Maguire / 文Gillian Roberts / 图"Let me in," said the wolf. "No!" said one little pig. 大灰狼说:“快让我进去。”一只小猪说:“不!”"Then I will blow y

英语版2023-02-25 21:15 发表于广东,时长04:45 (↑点击上面播放按钮在线观看今天的视频) There are three little pigs. 有三只小猪。They are Biggie, MidThe three little pigs lived happily.三只小猪从此过着快乐的生活。

三只小猪英文版故事篇1 There are three little pigs.They live in a small house with their mother."This house is too small.The three of you must leave home. You mus三只小猪简短英语故事版本1 There are three little pigs. They live in a small house with their mother. "This house is too small. The three of you must leave home. Y

1 三只小猪的故事英文版简短有三只小猪是一个妈妈生的,但是它们的性格却完全不一样,有一天,三只小猪都想要盖一座新房子,一起来看看这个故事的英文版吧。In a remote mountain vil三只小猪一起回答道。 Then I will blow your house down ," said the wolf. “不然的话,我要把你们的房子吹倒了,”大灰狼说道。But he did not! 但是呢,这次他没有成功!


