
743 2023-11-17 10:05


关于”邀请朋友参加毕业聚会“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Invite friends to graduation party。以下是关于邀请朋友参加毕业聚会的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为毕业典礼邀请函英语1 Dear Officer, I am writing to confirm that I wish to invite Name: XX Relationship: XX Date of Birth: XX to visit me while I am studying at Abbey Co


高分英语作文1: Jane e-mails Jane, the farewell party member of the sun club, congratulating you on passing all the examinations. You are loyal, Li Hua. "" Dear Jane, con篇1:毕业晚会邀请函英文版毕业晚会邀请函(英文版) Dear Teachers: We want to invite you to take part in our The Graduation Party tonight. We‘ll do som


毕业典礼邀请函英文作文篇1 Dear jack, we will have a graduation ceremony next week.And I strongly suggest you attend.Because this is a great honor to us . 毕业典礼毕业典礼英语邀请信1 Dear Officer, I am 20 October 20xx to 30 October 20xx. My name is XX and I am a full-time student at Abbey College Cambridge. I have enclosed


毕业邀请函的英语作文1 Dear Mr./ Ms.: I am writing an invitation to you to join the banquet we host for you. All of my classmates feel it a great hon毕业典礼邀请函英语作文篇1 dear officer, i am writing to confirm that i wish to invite name: relationship: date of birth: to visit me while i am s


